Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Parvoviruses and Bone Marrow Failure

This topic comes up a lot on our email support list. Parvo B19, commonly known as Fifth's disease, can be dangerous in SDS kids. The abstract is below, the full text is located here:

Parvoviruses and Bone Marrow Failure

Kevin E. Brown, Neal S. Young

Hematology Branch, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Bethesda, Maryland, USA


Parvovirus B19, the only known human pathogenic parvovirus, is highly tropic to human bone marrow and replicates only in erythroid progenitor cells. The basis of this erythroid tropism is the tissue distribution of the B19 cellular receptor, globoside (blood group P antigen). In individuals with underlying hemolytic disorders, infection with parvovirus B19 is the primary cause of transient aplastic crisis. In immunocompromised patients, persistent B19 infection may develop that manifests as pure red cell aplasia and chronic anemia. B19 infection in utero can result in fetal death, hydrops fetalis or congenital anemia. Diagnosis is based on examination of the bone marrow and B19 virological studies. Treatment of persistent infection with immunoglobulin leads to a rapid, marked resolution of the anemia.