Saturday, February 9, 2008

Helping a Child Cope: Worry and Anxiety Books

The "What to do When You Worry too Much A kid's guide to overcoming anxiety" by Dawn Huebner, PhD is excellent for kids! It is a workbook for kids and they can draw pictures in certain places.

This is definitely something that helped Joseph. The other one I have, "What to do When You're Scared & Worried" by James J Crist PhD is geared toward (my opinion) older children . It looks like a great book, too! It has chapters for OCD and even one for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

In the second book there are also chapters on Separation anxiety, Generalized Anxiety disorder, Panic Attacks and a chapter on what it is like to go to counseling. Chapters on coping skills to use at home and school...and lots more.

The first book is definitely geared toward the younger kids with the bigger text and places to color pictures.

Gotta put a plug in for you order the books on-line through at Barnes and Noble, SDA will get a % of the sale