Saturday, February 9, 2008

How Long Do Blood Cells Live in the Bloodstream? What are their function?

This is from a book titled: “Physiology, function and role of the neutrophil in Host Defense”

By David C Dale, MD

Blood Cell life Span in the bloodstream function

Neutrophils……………………….6-10 hours…………………………fight fungal and bacterial infections

Eosinophils………………………..unk…………provide host defense against parasitic infections

………………………..unk………………………………………provide inflammatory and allergic responses

Monocytes…………………….3 days……fight fungal, bacterial infections provide immune surveillance

B lymphs…………………………unk……………………………….produce antibodies

T lymphs…………………………unk……………provide cellular immunity against viruses and tumors

Platelets……………………….7-8 days…………………………assist in Coagulation

Erythrocytes………………….120 days………………………………transport oxygen