Saturday, May 17, 2008

Boils: Medical Articles

A boil, also referred to as a skin abscess, is a localized infection deep in the skin. A boil generally starts as a reddened, tender area. Over time, the area becomes firm and hard. Eventually, the center of the abscess softens and becomes filled with infection-fighting white blood cells that the body sends from the bloodstream to eradicate the infection. This collection of white blood cells, bacteria, and proteins is known as pus. Finally, the pus "forms a head," which can be surgically opened or spontaneously drain out through the surface of the skin.

Click on the link above to read the entire article from MedicineNet. Article includes pictures and treatment options, etc.

For more info on boils, here are some good sites:

Boils on DermNet

AOCD Boil Article

eMedicine Boil Article

Mayo Clinic Boil Article